Safety and Enviroment

Safety and Enviroment

From this section, you can refer to:

  • The Environment and Safety Policy, encompassing the commitments and principles adopted by Edison Stoccaggio with a view to continuous improvement of its performance while protecting the environment and maximising safety.
  • The certificates of the management, Health and Safety systems (in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 14001 and UNI EN ISO 45001 standards) adopted by Edison Stoccaggio for its facilities since 2001.
  • The EMAS environmental declarations for the Cellino Storage facility.
  • The Co-ordinated Health and Safety Documents prepared, for each concession, in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 624/96.

Lastly, at the following link: you can look up the Website prepared by the OGS (National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, OGS), where the data pertaining to the Collalto area’s micro-seismicity monitoring network are constantly updated.
The OGS carries out this activity within the scope of its institutional duties and in accordance with two basic principles:

  1. To provide Edison Stoccaggio with a high quality service in terms of scientific support
  2. To provide the community with the best possible measurement quality, objectivity and transparency in its assessments;

The OGS serves as an independent third party, while complying with the contractual obligations that regulate its relations with Edison Stoccaggio.